why don't billionaires fix things

why don't billionaires fix things

1: I don't get people like Bezos. If I had a billion dollars I would impulsively start fixing shit. Homeless vets? I don't think so. Hungry children? Not on my watch. He could be Batman. What a waste.
2: If you're the kind of person who would do that, you never become Bezos in the fist place.
My Dad owned a business my whole life. It was profitable, but it didn't expand. I asked him once why he never grew it, and he said it's nearly impossible without climbing on someone's back - your vendors, your customers, your employees. Particularly that last one. You don't wait until your business is big to be a good human being. The very first time you have to choose between your own profit and your employees health insurance, you choose the latter. You give maternity leave even though the government doesn't make you. You dock your own salary to not lay people off during a recession. You have adequate staffing and reliable hours. Anybody who says you can't run a retail business on a normal, reasonable, predictable schedule you know in advance is full of shit. My Dad did it for 35 years (always have one more person than you think you need, and 98% of your staffing problems vanish). It's just not the maximum profit. If you don't prioritize extracting profit from every corner of your business, you never become rich enough to give billions away.
(One of the things my father is most proud of is by the time he retired they hadn't needed to take a help wanted ad in 30 years. Turnover was low, and when a spot opened referrals filled it.)