Punching Nazis

Punching Nazis

Lawful good: Punch Nazis only if they're actively violent or a credible threat, and the government cannot or will not protect you.
Neutral good: Punch Nazis if they're actively violent or a credible threat.
Chaotic good: Punch Nazis, always.
Lawful neutral: Punching Nazis is illegal and therefore bad.*
True neutral: I'm not gonna do it cuz its illegal but I chuckled.
Chaotic neutral: Shit man, I'd Punch anybody that pisses me off too much.
Lawful evil: Stop punching me or I'll include you in the peaceful ethnic cleansing.*
Neutral evil: Can I benefit from punching a Nazi? If so then I'm on board!
Chaotic evil: Shit man, I'd punch anybody at any time for no good reason.
*Nazi-enabling zone (do not trust)

I'm a sucker for a good D&D alignment chart meme. And a good Nazi-punching meme.