Nikola Tesla
Invents AC electricity: Tries to give it to the world for free.
Finds out someone is using one of his patents: "Let him use them, he is doing good work."
Finds out a contract he has with someone will cause them to lose their business, and all their employees, their jobs: Rips up contract.
Invents a Death Ray that could have handed world domination to whoever held it: Destroys it.
Invents everything from x-rays to radar to wireless transmissions and AC electricity: Doesn't care that he gets no credit for it.
Dies poor and alone, except for the pigeons which he loved (true): Forgives everyone's ignorance.
This guy literally invented the modern world, and over 50 years before we could start to figure out how to understand his inventions, let alone use them. This guy deserves all the credit he can get. All he wanted was to make the world a better place.
Some of this is even true!