Choose your social justice class
Social justice warrior: wades into the front lines of online and IRL confrontations
Social justice barbarian: punches Nazis
Social justice paladin: activist and crusader
Social justice bard: writes blog posts, protest songs, slam poetry
Social justice druid: knows you can't afford your medication and has something that will help you sleep
Social justice warlock: works from within the system, probably deep-cover on 4chan
Social justice monk: hunger strikers, sit-in stagers, protest marchers. Probably hasn't slept since 2003
Social justice cleric: emotional and physical support; gets people the help they need
Social justice rangers: investigative journalists, loners doing the right thing, the one safe person in a toxic climate
Social justice rogue: gleefully flouts discriminatory policies, uses the system against itself, is always recording authorities and uploading to YouTube
Social justice sorcerer: charismatic leader, can wrangle resources from nowhere
Social justice wizard: how do you even DO that with the internet?
You must gather your party before venturing forth to defeat the BBEG of fascism.